Monday 21 July 2014

Jim And Steve Hatch An Egg - The Abstract

I rewrote the abstract to my children's book for adults:

Jim And Steve Hatch A Rock is a satirical take on the gay penguin book debate.
 (Sorry, I'm going to interrupt myself. This is not part of the abstract, but yes, it's an actual debate on a book on gay penguins. That is going on everywhere the book has been published. I can't get past how funny that is. "I want to argue with you about this book on gay penguins. Stop laughing, I'm serious! This is a serious issue! GAY PENGUINS ARE A SERIOUS ISSUE, GODDAMMIT! GOD SAYS GAY IS WRONG, SO GAY PENGUINS ARE WRONG! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!" (imagine Sam Kinison at the end there )

Anyway, I rewrote the abstract:

The story is about a young boy who is caught by his father reading a book about two gay penguins. His father's reaction instills in the boy a fear of reading he struggles the rest of his life to overcome.

Preview (and buy) the book here!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I checked out you book preview and one geographical misfact was most obvious to me. In the book you say Antarctica has polar bears....they are actually fou d in the Arctic region ....poles apart...literally!

    All the best for the book.
